Monday, October 5, 2009

What Lies Beneath

Seriously, I think I'm on my last legs with working so many events in a row. I had the anxiety dream to beat all anxiety dreams last night. It was the first of three very vivid and symbolic (?) dreams.

Dream #1
Marty and I were doing an event (this is nothing new) with Steve Ballmer, CEO of Microsoft. The crew was sparse, so I had to be the tape op and roll the video on Mr. Ballmer's cue. The trick is that the tape decks were on stage for some reason, so when the time came, I would have to go on stage and push play on the right tape in the right deck. I had extreme anxiety about this. I didn't want to go on stage, especially with Steve Ballmer! I'm not a tape op anymore and don't they have a department handling this anyway?

The show got underway and I realized that I didn't really pay enough attention to the instructions and the chance of me getting it right was slim. I tried to explain to Marty that it would be better to somehow sneak up on stage when the exec wasn't looking, take the tape and bring it to the truck where they could roll it no problem. Marty was not sympathetic to my problem and had the attitude of "just handle it". I felt that even though this was not my job, if I screwed it up it could be career-ending.

But by the time I got to the stage, it was too late. He had already called the cue and there I was, back to the audience facing the tape deck, sweating bullets, trying to figure out which tape to push play on. The whole world waited. I knew I was going to do it wrong.

Dream #2
I was on my way to work and my car started to slow down and pull to the left. I managed to get it into the parking lot of a gas station, where I discovered that I had a flat tire. I was contemplating whether I could fix it myself or if I had to call AAA. I thought it better that I call someone.

Dream #3
I moved to Bothell and I was ok with it. I was contemplating what the effect on my commute and social life would be. This one seems kind of unconsequential, doesn't it? Still, I remember it so it must have some significance.

Sometimes it just doesn't pay to sleep too long...

1 comment:

  1. Wow, dream #3 seems to shout your feelings about being apart from people you care about and want to spend time with. Could be just another way for deeper parts of you to talk with you about your frequent flying? Just a wild stab, you understand.
