Sunday, June 7, 2009

Things I Never Want To Do

Sometimes I get all worked up about the things I need to do. Well today I'm going to let myself off the hook and just make a list of the things I never want to do. So the to-do list doesn't seem so long, see.

1. I never want to climb a mountain. I know they're there and I respect that. I just don't want to climb one, or train to climb one, or risk my life on one. That's not the kind of adventure I'm into.

2. I never want to be President. Too stressful and too much BS.

3. I never want to live long enough to lose all my faculties. Or be a 21 year old cat, for that matter.

4. I never want to think that I have to cake my face with makeup and wear teeny clothes to impress men. (Side Note: I never want to walk around Greenlake in high heels.) I'm not sure it's that impressive and it's waaaay too much effort for the perceived payoff. Call me lazy, but I think I've done ok without it.

5. I never want to gain a ton of weight out of laziness and not caring.

6. I never want to be so arrogant that I think I have nothing to learn or that other people are here to serve me.

7. I never want to own fish, a lizard or a snake. Reptiles and what-not should be outside where they belong.

8. I never want to make so much money that it becomes my main goal in life, or to chase the carrot of material possessions. I'm not a saint and I like my comforts, but I can also scale if I need to.

9. I never want to be faithless.

10. I never want to live in a shack with cars and junk in the yard with weeds up to my knees. That might be some people's thing, but it's not mine. If I live in a shack, it's going to be a tidy shack.

11. I never want to be involved in extreme sports, or advanced pretzel yoga. Sounds like a lot of work and a lot of risk. I'm not adverse to work or risk, I would just rather spend that energy elsewhere.

12. Speaking of work, I never want my life to be consumed by it. I am lucky to have a career that I enjoy, but working to make other people rich is not my main mission in life.

13. I never want to be a jackass.

14. I never want to kill anyone for any reason.

15. I never want to own a boat.

I feel so much lighter now!

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