Saturday, March 28, 2009


I spent considerable time in my mind the other night trying to figure out how I would get out of my house if there was an invasion of some sort. This wasn't conscious thought, so relax, I'm not paranoid or crazy (much, consciously, anyway).

In my dream I thought I heard someone come in the house and head toward my bedroom. I looked over and thought, well, I'll just quietly slip out the sliding glass door here. No one will know, and I can get away without being harmed. I played this over in my mind until I was convinced it was a sound plan.

I spent even more time pondering where I would hide the key to my house so I could get back in later when the danger was gone. It is far too inconvenient where it is now, and someone would surely notice me getting it. It would be way better if it were right outside the sliding glass door, maybe in the garden, so I could just grab it on my way out. Very sneaky.

I have to tell you, I don't have a sliding glass door in my bedroom, or a garden outside to hide the key. I'm not in any particular danger of a home invasion, no more than most I suppose. I must be feeling threatened by something unknown or feeling the need to make an escape plan. This is one of these subtle puzzles in my mind, something I will chew on and untangle later.

Of course it could also be that I'm just reading too many vampire books!

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