Friday, February 20, 2009


I betray myself by staying stuck
By not having the courage
To take the first step forward
By not having the faith
To believe that I can affect change
Deep down
So that I can be free from my trappings

I can be whatever I want
I just have to truly want it
Part of me just wants to stay sick
Because I think it's easy
When in reality
It takes far more energy and effort
To stay the same
This is what drives me to exhaustion

Change is the natural current
And I am swimming against it with all my might
Clinging desperately
To rocks and logs and wayward branches
Because I don't know
Where the rushing river leads
And I don't trust my life jacket

So the trick is letting go
Without letting go of what's important
Letting go with action
Rather than complacency or denial

I don't know how to do that
It's always been such a fight to survive
Happiness is a temporary, hard-won battle
I've gotten all turned around somehow
I can't see the exit sign
I'm not even sure it's still there

I betray myself by believing in my delusions
Believing they're real
And that they rule
That is the most dangerous, self-defeating thought there is
I can't believe I'm letting it win

Looking away
Is not the same as crushing it
I just need to pick up the hammer

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

The Ocean

I went to the end of the world to pour my sorrows into the ocean, to ask the ocean to wash them away so that I could be free and move on. The ocean, however, is a busy place and though it was kind enough to listen, it didn't reply in the way that I had expected.

Your sorrows, said the ocean, do not exist. They are of your own making. You can leave them here, but if you do not do the hard work to believe what I just told you, they will just return. I can do the hard work, I thought, I can change.

Of course I didn't need to come all the way here to know this, but I'm glad I did. I thought I might stay until sunset, and maybe I should have, but I didn't go for the sun. I went for the ocean and the ocean did not disappoint.

Sunday, February 8, 2009

The Best Thing Ever

Are you having a hell of a time lately? Stress? Too much work or too much of a lack of work? Spouse not cooperating? Uncontrollable feelings? Feel like your house is on fire?

Here is your solution --
1. Load up your iPod with all your best songs
2. Map out a route that goes as far west as you can (preferrably all the way to the ocean)
3. Gather together your favorite snacks, the kind that won't make you feel bad about eating them later
4. Scout out the nearest Starbucks for your venti iced unsweetened black tea (this is optional for you but required for me)
5. Don't invite a soul. I know this sounds selfish, but it will be worth it. You don't even have to answer your phone.
6. Fill the gas tank
7. Set the iPod on shuffle and get out of here!

Your life will change, for the better...